Project Echo: Adult Vaccination Mentorship Program Call for Interest

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is proud to announce the first ever Project ECHO Adult Vaccination mentorship program. This multi-session learning cycle will help improve skills to educate, promote and talk about adult immunization, through the lens of prevention, access and equity. The end goal is to improve rates of adult vaccination uptake.
The program is a safe environment to share knowledge and be part of an online learning community of patient and ageing organizations, through guided practice, peer learning and collaborative problem solving. The program seeks to build the capacity and capability of patient and ageing organizations as champions of adult immunization.
The IFA is seeking feedback from interested learners on topics to be included in this multi-session cycle which will be held in English every month for a 5-month period.
IFA would like to know what your organization needs to learn about adult vaccination. Please take this one-question survey to help inform session topics.
May 06, 2021
International Federation on Ageing
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