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CORE Alberta News - May 4, 2023

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CMHA Mental Health Week May 1-7 2023 #MyStory

May 1-7 is Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is #MyStory. It uses storytelling to amplify the voices and spaces within which mental health exists across Canada, especially at the community level through non-profit agencies and programs.

recent survey was conducted by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It was found that almost 87% of Canadians would like access to free, publicly funded, universal mental health care. The survey found that of the 35% of people who have experienced a mental health concern in the past year, more than one-third did not reach out for help, primarily because it is too expensive or because they do not know where to find it. The research also showed that more than half of people living in Canada (57%) would access mental health care through a community organization with a free program. CMHA has compiled stories of Caregivers and how they care for their mental health.

Call/text 211 in Alberta for 24-hour crisis lines and the Distress Centre, visit these various support lines, connect with your local CMHA, or visit the Government of Canada’s Wellness Together portal if you or someone you love is struggling. Consider taking a mental health first aid course or signing up for workplace mental health training to build capacity in your organization. Create a mental health plan with your friends and family who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and severe mental illness, and as always, if it is an emergency, call 911.

Emergency Preparedness Week

May 7- 13 is National Emergency Preparedness Week. As we enter flood and fire season in Alberta, it is an excellent time to see how you and the older adults you support are prepared for a disaster. The national awareness initiative encourages Canadians to take concrete actions to be better prepared to protect themselves and their families during emergencies.  

Visit www.getprepared.ca for more resources about how to prepare your house and family for many types of emergencies. Also, use the emergency preparedness toolkit for resources, images, and activities to use at your organization. Make an emergency kit in case you need to leave the house quickly. Is your office susceptible to disaster? Create an emergency plan with co-workers to shield your precious resources and backup documents. These resources can help those we serve better prepare for an emergency. 

Want to be more involved? Healthy Aging CORE Alberta has an Emergency and Disaster Preparedness group that you can join to work towards a safer province for older Albertans actively! This group has valuable resources, training, and folks to collaborate with.

As always, if there are important topics that you would like more information on or possibilities you would like to explore, please connect with us.

In this feature:

1. CBSS Sector Development Update

2. Featured Resources 

3. Featured News

4. Funding Opportunities

5. Policy & Research

6. Featured Events


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  • Date

    May 05, 2023

  • By

    Healthy Aging CORE AB


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