Congratulations to the Town of Banff on your Alberta Age-Friendly Recognition Award

Alberta’s government officially recognized the Town of Banff for demonstrating their commitment to becoming more age-friendly and for developing an age-friendly action plan. On Monday, June 3, 2024, at the Seniors’ Week provincial launch event, the Town of Banff was recognized for demonstrating their commitment towards becoming more age friendly. Congratulations to the town for supporting participation and healthy, active lifestyles for older adults and all citizens!
Town of Banff Left to Right: Shawn Carr, Danielle (Dani) Roussy, Mayor Corrie DiManno, Sharon Phillips, Honourable Jason Nixon, Mary Buckingham, Les Young
The Town of Banff has prioritized supporting the health and social inclusion of older adults. Banff’s Age-Friendly Action Plan identifies eight key areas to create a cohesive and age-friendly environment for everyone: outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community supports and health services.
For more information about the Age-Friendly Alberta Recognition Program, the Alberta Age-Friendly Community of Practice, and tools and resources for building age-friendly communities, visit Age-friendly communities.
Jun 13, 2024
Government of Alberta
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