Canada Care Awards

As many as 6 million Canadians are caregivers, caring for children with disabilities, elderly parents and other loved ones who need assistance. Together with an army of health professionals, they’re working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of others.
Canada Cares is asking for Canadians from coast to coast to nominate people in their lives who demonstrate dedication, tenacity and commitment to care that’s deserving of recognition. They’re also inviting requests for financial assistance with related needs.
Canada Cares is a program of the Canadian Abilities Foundation, a registered charity that provides information, inspiration and opportunity to people with disabilities, their friends, families and the entire spectrum of professionals engaged in their service, while promoting their full inclusion in all aspects of community life.
One nominee will be selected to win the Canada Cares One Wish Award of $10,000. The recipient of this award, funded by David Powell in honour of his late mother, will be determined based on the strength of the caregiver’s commitment to care and the level of need. Other awards will recognize excellence demonstrated by family and professional caregivers across the country.
Nominations close September 25, 2020.
Aug 17, 2020
Canadian Abilities Foundation
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