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Announcement: Falls Prevention Group Closure and Migration

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The Healthy Aging CORE Alberta Falls Prevention Group will close down in February 2024

This closure is primarily due to reduced capacity to continue to coordinate and champion the Group and a desire to direct energy toward supporting other emerging and existing Falls Prevention initiatives, such as Finding Balance Alberta.

*Healthy Aging CORE Alberta, in collaboration with the Group Leads of the Falls Prevention Group, invite Group Members (and any other interested members of CORE Alberta) to sign up to the Finding Balance Alberta Newsletter to keep up to date. A survey will be circulated to those on this newsletter list in the coming weeks to gather input about upcoming priorities.*

Other initiatives and resources include:

Healthy Aging CORE Alberta deeply thanks all of the Group Leads who collectively championed this Group and who organized so many impactful educational and awareness-raising CORE events over the past few years.

View full release
  • Date

    Jan 08, 2024

  • By

    Healthy Aging CORE Alberta Falls Prevention Group


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