Alberta Blue Cross commits $500,000 for pandemic support

Along with the announced temporary premium reductions to support our customers through the COVID19 pandemic, Alberta Blue Cross is expanding support for communities with a $500,000 commitment from our community foundation to address priority needs to support Alberta’s most vulnerable populations.
This support will include a coordinated approach with the United Way to stabilize food security and compromised essentials, support to address increased suicide rates among youth and adults in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation and support for grassroots community initiatives to assist isolated and rural communities. This community support is in addition to our sponsoring the Text4Hope program which is expected to provide support to up to 250,000 Albertans over the next three months.
Alberta Blue Cross is also contributing to the Community-Based Seniors Serving Sector initiative, which is led by the Alberta Ministry of Seniors and Housing. This helps enhance connections between health care and vital community social resources for Alberta’s 600,000 seniors during the time of social distancing.
Apr 26, 2020
Alberta Blue Cross
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