Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.
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Preventing Falls
Alberta Health Services
As the leading cause of injury, falls are a significant public health issue across age groups and settings in Alberta. In 2017, 154,004 Albertans visited emergency and urgent care and 17,489 Albertans were hospitalized due to a fall. Falls can happen at home, at school, in recreation and leisure, in
Snow and Ice Control in Edmonton
City of Edmonton
Edmonton City Council continues to look at options for improved snow and ice clearing. On April 25 2022, councilors reviewed a report with community feedback, including that provided by the Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council (ESCC) and coordinators of the Seniors Home Supports Program during ta
RECORDING - Healthy Aging Framework Learning Session
Healthy Aging Alberta
You can access the recording HERE.
On April 25, 2022, a learning session was hosted to walk participants through an Alberta-made tool called the Healthy Aging Framework. The session introduced participants to different parts of the Healthy Aging Framework and how it might be used by their or
Oral Knowledge Hub
Alberta Recreation and Parks Association
Alberta Recreation and Parks Association has gathered all of their resources, alongside some external guest additions, to share with you. Their huge thanks go to the Elders and to their partners who have shared the gift of these incredible stories and teachings.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario - Webinar Archive
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario (EAPO) is the provincial organization recognized for its leadership in elder abuse prevention in the province, providing education, training, resource development and information about the increasingly complex issues of elder abuse.
EAPO engages and with over 30 local
National Volunteer Week 2022: Volunteering Is Empathy In Action
Volunteer Alberta
National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to celebrate the vibrancy and impact of volunteerism in our communities and across our country. Every April, Volunteer Canada leads the National Volunteer Week (NVW) celebration. It is the perfect time to recognize volunteers and celebrate the power of volun
Canadian Health Survey on Seniors, 2019/2020
Statistics Canada
Combined data for the 2019 and 2020 reference years are now available from the Canadian Health Survey on Seniors.
The Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS) for the 2019/2020 reference period contains information on the average population aged 65 and older over the two-year period. The C
Budget 2022: A Federal Budget That Recognizes the Role of the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector
Inez Hillel, Vivic Research & Imagine Canada’s Public Policy Team
Released on April 7th, the 2022 federal budget highlights the success of Canada’s recovery programs, boasting the return of many economic indicators to their pre-pandemic levels. The budget uses this narrative to rationalize shifting from pandemic expenditures towards targeted investments in the
Missing Older Adult Resource Guide Launch
Dementia Network Calgary
Join Dementia Network Calgary for the launch of the Resource guide for people at risk of going missing! Hear from Roger Marple who lives with dementia and has been missing, Lisa Poole whose father went missing several times and Kim Savard the co-chair of the Calgary Missing Older Adult Resource Netw
Sign up for the Healthy Aging CORE Alberta e-news to keep up-to-date with activity from the platform and the Community-Based Seniors Services (CBSS) sector across the province.