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Resources on CORE include checklists, toolkits, reports, studies, videos, and other materials on topics relevant to those working or volunteering in support of healthy aging and older adults independent living.

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When you’ve gotta go … you may need help

University of Alberta

About half of Canadian adults report bladder symptoms such as incontinence, and these become more common with aging. For frail people in long-term care settings, the rate is as high as 80 per cent, especially for those living with dementia. There are a few ways that people can experience symptoms w

Celebrate Women by Creating a Workplace Where Women Thrive: An International Women’s Day Special Article

Darcy Michaud, Charity Village

Gender inequities continue to be problematic for women in their career progression, affecting a host of issues including denied opportunities and recognition and the lack of career advancement. Since gender equality is still not reflected in representation, pay, and job roles, there is much work to

Perceived Community Age-friendliness is Associated With Quality of Life Among Older Adults

Nadia Mullen, Arne Stinchcombe, Charles Seguin, Shawn Marshall, Gary Naglie, Mark J. Rapoport, Holly Tuokko, Michel Bédard

Abstract: We examined the positive association between perceived community age-friendliness and self-reported quality of life for older adults. A total of 171 participants, aged 77–96 years, completed a mail-in questionnaire package that included measures of health (SF-36 Physical), social partic

Continuing to Serve Seniors During the Pandemic: Community Conversation & Sector Capacity Survey - Executive Summary and Detailed Report

CORE Alberta

As the Alberta Community-Based Senior Serving (CBSS) sector navigates operational decisions and challenges related to the pandemic, CORE Alberta invited participants on November 4, 2021 to a community conversation about our collective experiences and to have a generative discussion about how we are

What is Social Prescribing?

Alliance for Healthier Communities

Social Prescribing is a holistic approach to healthcare that brings together the social and medical models of health and wellness. It provides a formal pathway for health providers to address the diverse determinants of health, using the familiar and trusted process of writing a prescription. LEARN

Walk the Talk Toolkit

Walk the Talk

The Walk the Talk toolkit helps organizations select, plan for, and implement a new recovery-oriented innovation. This toolkit is suitable for organizations that provide a variety of services but also have adult clientele living with mental health challenges or illnesses. READ MORE HERE

It’s Getting Pricey Out There: Why Inflation matters to your nonprofit


INTEGRALTrends is a continuing series that looks at the trends and dynamics that impact how we plan, lead, and operate our nonprofits and charities. As the environment that nonprofits work within continues to shift, leaders need to keep a finger on the pulse of external trends – what’s happenin

Positive Mental Health: A Snapshot

Edmonton Social Planning Council, Edmonton Family & Community Support Services

The capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. It is a positive sense of emotional and spiritual well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, interconnections and personal

RECORDING - Shingles Awareness Week Roundtable

The International Federation on Ageing

Thought leaders from across Canada have joined forces to raise awareness and educate the Canadian community on the risk of shingles. In a lifetime, 1 in 3 people, particularly those over 50 will develop shingles. This moderated discussion, featuring the National Institute on Ageing's Executive Dir


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