WECAN Food Basket Society

WECAN connects individuals and families on limited and or fixed incomes, who are struggling at the end of each month to provide enough healthy food for their families with a basket of fresh produce and frozen meat items. The WECAN program uses a pre-pay model (pay at the beginning of each month when money is available), purchases bulk wholesale food, uses community popup locations, and staffs these community locations with dedicated volunteers on delivery day.
The program appeals to members on a variety of pensions or monthly pay periods and those with limited incomes. Currently 25 depots are hosted by churches, parent link centres, tenant centres, community leagues, and day cares scattered throughout Edmonton and the surrounding area. Every member is responsible for picking up their food order on depot pick up day. Any food not picked up will be sold to other members or donated to a community group for distribution.
WECAN has received funding from the Edmonton Community Foundation for temporary delivery of food baskets for those most at risk. Temporary delivery of food orders will be taking place starting in June for the next six months for those who are most vulnerable and cannot pickup their food baskets due to COVID-19.
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