REconnect Community Initiative Funding Grant (April 14 and Sept 13, 2024)

REconnect Community Initiative Funding Grant (RED DEER)
Do you like to meet people? Do you have ideas to bring community together?
The impacts of Covid 19 have weakened social ties in our communities, and many people and families are now more isolated. This has led to worsening mental health, like depression and anxiety, and in some cases stress and family breakdown.
As part of FCSS Red Deer and District’s Emergent Funding Stream, the REconnect Community Initiative will support projects that reach out and build social connections between people, and stronger, more resilient communities. The focus is especially to reach those who are isolated, and to build new relationships between people.
To begin the recovery, we are offering a 6 week Community Leadership Program to support community members building stronger neighbourhoods. The program will also include a community-led project to engage or re-engage community to learn their strengths, to mobilize people around common interests, and to take action together.
Community Leadership Learning
All project leaders will learn together with other project leaders. Through a 6 week peer-learning program, they will share successes and struggles, and learn from each other as they begin their projects. The topics will depend on the group interest, but could include learning about your community, how to meet new people, and project planning and reporting.
Projects will focus on connecting people in their community, by listening to their passions, interests. Some of the ways of engaging may include:
Meeting 1:1: Sitting over an online coffee (or outdoors where safe)
Network Connections: Working through existing social networks, such as cultural or hobby based groups
Presence: Spending time to talk to people in places where they gather (outdoors to maintain distancing)
Engagement will give project leaders a better understanding of what motivates people in their communities, and what common activities might bring them together. Project leads only need a rough idea of their project to start, and will likely change it based on what they learn from listening to community.
There will be 2 intake times that applicants may apply:
Spring Intake: April 14, 2024
Fall Intake: September 13, 2024
Spring projects must be completed by the end of 2024, and reports due by January 10, 2025. Fall projects should be completed by March 2025 and reports due April 11, 2025.
If you are interested please discuss your ideas with a Community Facilitator or Community Worker, or email for an application form.
City of Red Deer
Start Date
Feb 19, 2024
End Date
Apr 14, 2024
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