Other Initiatives Program (ongoing deadline)

The Other Initiatives Program (OIP) provides financial assistance for community-based projects that fall outside the scope of all other Community Grants funding streams. This includes one-time projects, international disaster relief and projects that are emergency or urgent in nature.
Support through OIP is intended to achieve the following broad outcomes:
- support community driven goals that have a public benefit
- stimulate economic activity across the province
You must contact the Community Grants office prior to submitting an application to OIP.
OIP is not a replacement or extension of other grant programs.
There is no minimum or maximum funding that can be requested through OIP. The level of funding granted is based on need or the community benefit of the project and is subject to available resources.
Projects eligible for funding through OIP include:
- one-time projects or events that fall outside the criteria of all other Community Grants programs
- national and international projects (such as disaster relief)
- projects that are in response to emergencies or urgent in nature
For more information, read the OIP Guidelines.
Government of Alberta
Start Date
May 01, 2023
End Date
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