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[Funding - Canada-wide] NCCPH Knowledge Translation Graduate Student Awards

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Deadline: February 10, 2025


The purpose of the awards is to recognize the work of graduate students regarding knowledge translation in public health in Canada. Defined by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, knowledge translation is a dynamic and iterative process that includes synthesis, dissemination, exchange and ethically-sound application of knowledge to improve the health of Canadians, provide more effective health services and products and strengthen the health care system.


Three prizes of $1500 will be awarded during the CPHA annual conference. Awardees are expected to use the funding to support their registration and attendance at Public Health 2025.

Award winners will present their knowledge translation research projects to an audience of public health networks in Canada, during the conference, or via webinar (date and format to be confirmed).


Applications will be accepted from individual students only, not pairs or groups. While we acknowledge that no student works in isolation, the focus of the award is on the individual student’s role in the project, and that role must be described in addition to the overall project.

The award is open to students from Canadian academic institutions who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be the student’s own work (with input from faculty and mentors).
  • Focus of the thesis or project must be knowledge translation in public health.
  • Currently enrolled in a Canadian graduate program (full or part-time) or completed a Canadian graduate degree in the last 12 months.
  • Enrolled (or previously enrolled) in a discipline relevant to public health (defined broadly, can include, for example, geography, planning, public policy).    

Knowledge translation projects that are not eligible include:

  • Knowledge translation done as part of paid employment or a research assistant position. 
  • Projects conducted outside of public health.
  • A plan for a project (as opposed to reporting on a project that is underway or completed).
  • Project that is passive dissemination (presenting at a conference, publishing in a journal).

Application Guidelines

The application must include the following items. Please combine all required components and submit only one file.

  • Completed application form; download here.
  • Describe how your academic work (course work, academic papers and/or thesis) is developing, implementing and/or evaluating public health knowledge translation strategies. [2 page maximum, 1” margins, minimum 11 point font, can be single-spaced, include a title]
  • Letter of support from your faculty or academic supervisor that includes confirmation of your current program of study (or program attendance within the past 12 months) and academic institution.

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed and scored according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to knowledge translation in public health
  • Creativity/innovation shown in the project
  • Scholarliness of the project
  • Potential impact of the project
  • Quality and degree of support of academic supervisor

Preference will be given to students who are implementing and evaluating the knowledge translation strategy with public health staff, managers or policy-makers.

An NCCPH subcommittee will review and score the applications and make recommendations to the NCCPH Leads for approval.

Award Deadlines

Application Deadline: February 10, 2025

Notice to Successful Recipients: February 28, 2025


  • Funder

    National Collaborating Centres for Public Health

  • Start Date

    Feb 05, 2025

  • End Date

    Feb 10, 2025


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