Prepare for Winter in Edmonton with the Seniors Home Supports Program

Prepare for winter in Edmonton with the Seniors Home Supports Program
A challenge of living at home as we age is home maintenance, and this is especially true for laborious tasks like snow shoveling—a seemingly endless endeavor in our wintery, northern city. As homeowners, it’s important to maintain clear walkways for safety reasons to prevent slips and fall and avoid costly fines.
The Seniors Home Supports Program (SHSP) connects older Edmontonians to snow removal services, protecting both the health and safety of older residents while preserving connectedness to the wider community.
Seniors and caregivers accessing this unique referral service can have peace of mind knowing businesses referred by the program are vetted and reputable.
Arranging snow removal services as soon as possible is a good way to be prepared for winter flurries. Connect with your SHSP district coordinator to get a helping hand before the snow flies!
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