Natural Supports Simulation

The Natural Supports Simulation (NSYYC) developed in 2019 is an online interactive experience that raises awareness for the Natural Support role by building skills and confidence. This online tool helps adults learn to actively listen, validate emotions, remove the stigma around mental health, and engage in supportive conversations with children and youth. After the success of V1 of the Natural Supports YYC simulation, United Way of Calgary and Area and The Social Impact Lab have partnered once again to develop V2 of the simulation.
This phase includes:
- Personalization of resources & skills to develop based on the participant’s scores
- Development and analytic enhancements (you can now leave the simulation & come back!)
- Two additional youth scenarios focused around gender identity and expression and social isolation. These two new scenarios were uniquely chosen due to their relevance in the media and current world events, and deal with two of the three most prevalent health concerns experienced by children and youth: anxiety and sadness.
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