Family Caregiver Centre- Calgary Zone

Family Caregiver Centre
Calgary Zone
Initiative Partnership
An initiative of Alberta Health Services in partnership with the Calgary Health Foundation, offering information, education and support to family caregivers.
Service Details/Contact Info
View the following service listing to access a service overview, eligibility criteria, hours of operation, contact information and a street map.
Who are Family Caregivers?
Family Caregivers are family, friends and neighbours who provide unpaid support, care and assistance in a variety of ways to individuals with long-term illness or disability living in their own home, in a care-facility or a different geographical location.
This may take the form of providing emotional support, directly helping with various tasks, mediating with organizations and people who provide care or providing financial assistance. Many people do not see themselves as family caregivers even though they are giving their time and energy to help another person manage their activities of daily living.
Individual family caregivers are involved in unique situations, however there are a number of things that numerous family caregivers have in common. Some of these commonalities may be emotional stress, physical fatigue, lack of sleep, strain on family relationships, problems with employment and added financial costs.
One of the most important things you, as a family caregiver, can do is look after yourself. You can effectively continue to care for someone else only if you look after your own health - physically, emotionally and spiritually.
How We Help
Services provided impact the lives of family caregivers in many ways:
- Reduction of caregiver burnout
- Better informed, skilled and knowledgeable caregivers
- Increased ability to manage caregiving responsibilities
- Increased public awareness of caregiver issues and contributions
- Development of a caregiver-friendly community
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