Elmwood Seniors for Seniors

Elmwood Seniors for Seniors is a relative newcomer to Edmonton’s seniors sector. This volunteer-based community-run program began in 2019 as informal meet-ups at a local park. It picked up steam throughout the pandemic and is now offering regular programming at its home within the Elmwood Community League building. The evolution has been one of grass roots support and community connections.
“We were a group of people 55+ that was meeting in the park in spring, summer, and fall and we didn’t really know what we were going to do because winter was coming,” explains one of the group’s original members, Gail McDonald. “Someone suggested Elmwood Community League, and they allowed us to come to their centre and pretty much do what we want there.”
All programming provided by Elmwood Seniors for Seniors is organized by volunteers. They meet once a week to discuss plans and share new ideas. McDonald is among those very active in the planning, alongside fellow volunteer Myrna Holownia and many other enthusiastic, like-minded volunteers
“It’s basically seniors getting together and looking for ideas and ways that we can make people's lives better through classes or social activities of any kind,” explains Holownia.
Currently, this includes weekly coffee socials, along with a growing list of other social opportunities: from yoga and dance classes to music lessons to writing sessions, and more on the horizon. There is certainly an appetite for all sorts of activities and programming possibilities. And, its doors are always open to new participants, regardless of location.
Elmwood Seniors for Seniors is located in Elmwood Community League (in west Edmonton) at 16415-83 Avenue. Paid certified instructors who enjoy working with seniors are being sought for a wide range of classes with Elmwood Seniors for Seniors (contact: elmwoodseniorsforseniors@gmail.com).
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